Creamy Christmas Chestnut Soup

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Happy New Year! …The soup was gobbled up before I could get a decent snap, so here is a photo of fireworks….


What’s this? 2 posts in under 24hrs!? That’s right, Chief’s on a role with some more leftover inspiration! This time? Chestnuts!

I love chestnuts. I love them raw, roasted, casseroled… at home, on the train…. in a song…. You name it, I LOVE it. They are the epitome of lazy winter nights, little mouthfuls of nostalgia.

They are also HEALTHY. LOW IN FAT. And a fantastic little kitchen staple for VEGETARIAN cooks! Hey, it is the New Year after all, allow me this brief moment to promote a soup that, yes, fits in to the gluten free, vegan and low carb diet. I’m sorry, okay? But god this is good. Like, really good. In this soup the humble chestnut turns what would be a fairly ordinary mushroom soup into an impressive, ever so creamy, dinner party entrée (that may have only had a little help from a dribble of black truffle pesto I picked up in Italy last summer. Mmmmm.)

A naturally filling bowl of warming goodness, that can win over even the most committed of mushroom sceptics!

Serves 5


5 cloves of garlic, peeled

900g chestnut mushrooms, halved

3 celery sticks, chopped

2 white onions, diced

Generous handful of mixed dry herbs (thyme, sage, rosemary)

600ml vegetable stock (or chicken)

180g vacuum packed chestnuts

Splash of milk


Truffle or good quality olive oil to garnish



  1. Oven at 200C, place your whole cloves of peeled garlic in some tin foil and bring together to make a little parcel. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes, or until soft, fragrant and starting to colour
  2. Meanwhile, sweat your onions nice and slowly, making sure they do not catch.
  3. When your onions are soft and translucent, increase the heat and add your garlic, celery, herbs, salt and mushrooms. Fry for about 5 minutes on a medium heat then add your stock. Bring to boil then decrease then heat and allow to gently simmer for 20 – 30 minutes.
  4. Add the chestnuts then transfer soup to a blender. Blend till smooth and creamy. Using milk to adjust consistency.
  5. Adjust seasoning, plate up and drizzle with truffle oil (or your best quality olive oil) to garnish.